Erotic stories of Eveready Handyman
Profile page of Eveready Handyman. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.
Eveready Handyman wrote 1 erotic stories which have been read 552 times
Three SistersI was kicked out of home at 16 for being a/hole and so I had to make my own way in life. But it was the best thing for me as I finally woke up to myself and it was too late to mend the fences with my very angry family. So, I worked laboring jobs to get by and I had to behave as I wanted to eat, and they wouldn't tolerate any crap from me. At 22 I scored a job (handyman) on a property owned by 3 sisters 37,35 and 32 all lawyers and were career driven women. After 18 months working for them, I was... reading time 2 mingenreStraightwritten on